Community Trail Workdays

Did you know that most of the trail maintenance on our local trails is done by volunteers? And with over 30 miles of trails we are actively maintaining there is no shortage of work to be done! This summer we will be hosting a series of community trail workdays to provide opportunity for you to join us!

The first will be Saturday, June 8th. Join us to help improve and maintain a couple sections of trail at the Flying V Trails. Meet us at the trailhead at 9 am. We will work until noon and then provide a free lunch for everyone! Bring water, gloves, rakes, shovels, or use our tools.

Join us on one or all of the following work days, a free lunch will follow on each work day as well:

  • Saturday, June 8th: 9 am to noon at the Flying V Trails
  • Saturday, July 20th cancelled
  • Saturday, August 17th: Backyard Bike Park, Salem Ave, Newcastle, WY, 9 am to noon
  • Saturday, September 14th: Backyard Bike Park, Salem Ave, Newcastle, WY, 9 am to noon
  • October: more detials will be forthcoming soon

Click below to see pics from this years workdays!

We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who came out to support our community work days this summer! Here are some pics and videos to show the fun, the work, and the community that was built!